That’s the first news headline that has made me LOL in a very long time.

Seriously, she really did? I mean, I guess it’s plausible, people many times are attracted to helping others overcome things they themselves struggle with (which is why I spend all my free time helping supermodels deal with their vanity. Wait, no, I just spend all my free time helping supermodels. Or cutting out pictures of them. Same thing.), but still, this is just too classic.

I’m just curious what the DUI Rehab center’s success rate was with Ms. DUI herself running the show. Was she tipping a few back with students after class? What went through her head when she decided, "ah, damn, I’ve had a long day telling people not to drink and drive, I think I’m gonna roll on down to the bar for a few drinks and then drive home, got another big day tomorrow telling people not to dri- wait, maybe I shou- ah, screw it. Bartender, gimme a Heineken over here!"

lol here’s the link:
