In response to this story: ESPN – Five Falcons fined for uniform violations over Vick-related support

I have PLENTY to say about the Vick case, but haven’t had time to write it all yet. But this is just anal. Roger Goodell must be an ESTJ brain type (the most despised type – think "that really, really, REALLY annoying chick at the office that gets into everybody’s business and tries to make everyone follow the rules and thinks she really is the boss of everyone"), he’s seriously turning the NFL into the No Fun League, to quote Terrell Owens.

Anyway, the fact that guys got fined for virtually nothing, it’d ridiculous. Especially considering the Vick case is such a blatant, unconstitutional violation of individual rights on the part of the government.

I leave you with this, until I can vent my thoughts on Vick:
Screw the dogs, what about HUMAN RIGHTS?"

PS – everyone at PETA can kiss my fur wearing, meat-loving ass.

Am I in a friendly mood or what? ;-)