I am getting increasingly annoyed by "tomorrow", or in Latin America, "manana".

It is an issue not of culture, but of personal integrity.

I understand life happens. Things don't always turn out the way one plans. That's what communication is for.

The whole idea of tomorrow is that it's ambiguous. The saying "tomorrow never comes" is cliche mostly because it's been overused so much. But just like stereotypes, cliches too exist for a reason – most of the time they hold a modicum of truth.

People whose lives are one tomorrow after another have serious integrity issues.

Don't tell me tomorrow. Don't ever use that word. Say the name of the day. Are you going to do it Friday? Tuesday? Next Thursday at 10am? Much better.

People avoid that. Because it's precise. It gives them something to be held accountable to.

I'm guilty of missing deadlines occasionally too.

But punctuality, keeping one's word, and doing what one says, when they say they're going to do it, are not issues of brain typology, not issues between Judgers and Perceivers.

It is simply an issue of integrity. One either has it, or they don't.

Which are you? Will you know before it's tomorrow?