Yeah, I’m a fan of Sixx:A.M., but in this case I am being literal.

I’d never seen eyes this color (naturally) until meeting Kailee Crawford.

We’ve been doing video stuff for a couple months now but I finally got to shoot stills with her last weekend…

The funny thing is she was protesting, saying “I don’t look good in hats!”

Um, sweety, every beautiful girl looks good in hats. im(ns)ho. Or maybe it’s every beautiful person?

Seriously, what is it about hats that makes people look better? Somebody was trying to tell me about a universal standard of beauty that measures the forehead as four finger-widths, and that because not everyone fits that, and because eye placement isn’t always set the proper width for symmetry or whatever, that hats somehow can make the facial features more appealing.

Perhaps. What’s that say about me then? Coz I like wearing hats…

Anyway. Here’s one of my favorites from last weekend’s shoot. Kc is the spokesmodel for Tan Republic, as well as the Pac-10 covergirl for Tempe12. She is part Native American, majoring in International Business / Sports Marketing, and speaks fluent Spanish. She definitely doesn’t need a hat to look beautiful.

But I dig it.
