I’m a big fan of Seth Godin. I’ve read nearly all his books (still waiting for his latest, the dip, to get shipped to me) and have used many of the ideas that I’ve gleaned from him. He’s brilliant: simple, innovative, and inspiring.

But his latest brainchild,, has been under heavy fire from Google because pages were showing up quickly and ranked high (so it must be good, Google hates anything that threatens its communist control!).

The site even got a new phrase coined – the squidoo slap – meaning to get kicked to the curb by google for doing something they hadn’t prepared to squelch ahead of time.

Anyway, it’s an interesting new twist that combines Wikipedia, blogging, and social networking…so of course I had to make a riverboarding "lens" (they call their pages lenses).

I’m not sure if it’s going to amount to anything worthwhile, but I guess the more tools I have to be everywhere at once the better, right? That’s how did it… ;-)

Check it out – my all new Riverboarding lens on squidoo!