This is a story about facts, core values, and computers. Specifically, Mac computers.

See, I have this thing, I’m a contrarian. I enjoy going against the grain, bucking the trend, stepping outside the status quo. I also enjoy dealing in cliches. Ok, not really. ;-)

So I’ve had this thing against Mac for a long time. Not that I didn’t respect the cult, because I most definitely did – heck I’ve studied Steve Jobs and his cult in depth the past few years, and am amazed by it. I’d love to have a corporate cult like Mac does, it’s branding at its absolute best. So I definitely like Mac for that.

What I don’t like is the Mac "cult members". You’ve probably seen the bumper stickers something to the effect of "I like Christ but it’s his followers that I can’t stand". That’s how I’ve looked at Mac people. Annoying. Over the top. Smug, but without reason.

Their mantra is "you’re not a REAL artist unless you use a Mac."

Because I’ve been a PC user my whole life, well, since my freshman
year of college, I did have a Mac back then. And I think I’ve done
pretty damn well for myself as an artist, creating everything on the PC.

Recently though I started doing more in the fashion and
entertainment industry, and I’ve noticed something – these people are
not indie rockers who fit the Mac fanboy image; these are business
professionals who can afford anything they need, and only buy the best.

Without exception, every photographer, photo studio, and video
person I have been around in the past year has used exclusively Mac.

Not to mention, one of my closest friends has a Mac, and a few years
ago I remember sitting down with garage band and messing with it for
about 5 minutes, and in that time knowing pretty much everything there
is to know about it. Making music is simple – plug and play.

Fast forward to this summer, and I’m buying technology to set up a
recording studio and record my first album. Do I buy a Mac? No. To make
a long story short…I spent a lot of money, time, and swear words on
windows-based PC’s. Two of them. And I still don’t have the right
flipping codec driver oogliebooglie for one of them, and I can’t sell
either one.

Not to mention, PC-based DAW software is definitely NOT
"plug-and-play". Whew…I’ll be thrilled if I can get an album
out…but I’m still buying a Mac.

The lesson is simply this: I ignored the facts and went with an
emotionally-based principle, that I was going to be different to prove
a point to all the stupid annoying macpeople that I could do it better
than them without their stupid Mac.

But the fact is that Mac really is better and easier for Music, Video, and Photography.

And my emotionally-based excuse for not buying a Mac consisted of
looking outward and doing it for them (to beat them), rather than
completely ignoring what anybody else thinks of me and going with the
facts to make MY life easier.

So I’m buying a Mac. I’m joining the cult. You probably won’t see me
with blue slip-on Vans on my feet anytime (EVER!) but my next computer
will most definitely be a Mac.

Though I’m determined to finish this album with what I’ve got, so I guess I’ll see if I can overcome PC’s shortcomings… =)
