I've been weary of global warming hype for a long, long time. Hopefully this movie will shed some light on the true motives of the sick shape-shifters like Al Gore who will stop at nothing to control the masses through the cause of "the environment", even if it means destroying jobs, keeping people in poverty, and even letting people die to save some "endangered" species of worthless suckerfish.

I'm glad I'm not in college these days. I can't imagine what it would be like, I'd be fired up all the time! It was bad enough when I was in school. One of my prouder moments was standing up on the first day of "Ethics" class when we had to introduce ourselves and explain what we were interested in regarding the class topic.

In a very liberal, tree-hugging class I simply said "I'm interested in why plants and animals are more important than people" and then sat down.

You'd think I had just defended Hitler! It touched off a firestorm – led by the professor – that lasted probably 15 minutes…and an entire semester. :)

I wasn't alone – there were 2-3 other "right wing whackos" in the class who were also fans of freedom, humanity, production, etc. And really, it doesn't matter the ratio – environmentalists (I'll say liberals in general) don't argue logically, they appeal to emotionalism and altruism.

They have to! They can't argue most of their bullshit logically, it's flawed at the core and I think subconsciously (or consciously, for the really evil ones like Al Gore) they know that.

Anyway, what a polarizing time in our society – but from my perspective, it's the best thing that could happen. True Americans and freedom-lovers all over the world are finally waking from their apathetic slumber and raising their voices against the sick and twisted global establishment.

How it ends, who knows. Maybe the anti-Christ is among us and the world ends in 2012, or maybe that's all nonesense and we're just in a transitional period for humanity, just like the earth is approaching another ice age.

Cycles happen, history repeats itself.

Unfortunately, that means America is probably screwed, because the history that's on its way to being repeated there is pretty much the same as the rapid destruction of every other superpower in history.

But maybe, just maybe, there's enough rational, fed-up people to reverse course before the ship sinks. Sadly, I doubt it, because the people who could steer the ship away from danger are bound and gagged in the galley.

But whatever. There's a (hopefully) great movie showing! Check it out 8/5pm on Sunday October 18th!

NotEvilJustWrong.com and streaming free online a variety of places!

And whatever the future holds, it doesn't change the fact that I'm going to rush headlong into it and have as much fun as possible on the way.

The reason I get fired up is because blood-sucking leaches with no sense of self want to try and control my freedom and productivity and thus my fun, because they're the most vile people of all – those whose sense of identity comes from the false power they feel in controlling others.

Live your own life, and enjoy it fully – there's plenty of room for different lifestyle choices and viewpoints if everybody does their own thing.

If you want to think humans are going to bring the end of the planet, whatever, think what you want.

But the second you start using government to mandate laws that affect MY FUN on this planet, based on YOUR HYPOTHETICAL VIEWS, then we have a big effing problem.