
Either my body is finally letting down after months and months of pushingpushingPUSHING, or there's something in the air in BdT that makes me sleepy. Because after a nice 8 hours of sleep last night, cuatro horas de espanol este manana, y almuerzo, I crashed hard for a few hours. Then it was a couple hours of reading and study for PADI Dive certification later this week, and back to work.

I'm not sure why I never really thought of SCUBA or skin diving as a "face level" sport, but it totally is! One more thing to add to Face Level. Euforia is already planning to include dives in some of the trip offerings in Costa / Panama as well.

I'm really looking forward to getting out and diving, too. Have always been fascinated by underwater life. Heck, when I was a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist. My senior picture was even a photoshopped (back when .psd files were created with magazine images, scissors, and glue!) image of me in a 20's suit and top hat sitting in a vibrant coral reef.

So I'm stoked to jump in.

It's a different experience to be out in booneyville to during the election. I'm keeping an eye on it online, but I'll hit the hay long before it's decided tonight. Nobody here really cares or knows, either. With the exception of the owners of Bocas Water Sports (my dive instructors), I have not seen or met any other Americans.

Two other interesting tidbits:
1. Despite being on an island, a SEMI-TRUCK TRAILER showed up yesterday outside our gate. It was gone today. wtf?
2. Water is ridiculously expensive, more than leche o jugo de frutas. Also the banks ran out of money this afternoon, but should have more cash manana. Eh??