clouds, like the arm and hand of the Creator, 40 miles long
perfectly cupping the moon
not like humans do it, so the object is sitting in the hand,

but like the Omnipotent one does it, so the object is floating in His hand

hard to describe the way the clouds sit off the coast here, suspended between water and sky
the beach angle meant the moon was over the south-ish end of the beach, which then extended far out to a point

no one on the beach that I could see
silent but for the waves

started out by going to do domestic chores – take the trash down the hill and then go get a few light bulbs


exciting stuff right


met a car stuck halfway down
2 gringos, texan ladies
I got their car out (it wasn’t really stuck they were just scared to keep going up, and it was pitch black in the jungle)


they followed me to where they needed to go

they were thankful, appreciative, vocal in their gratitude

the energy of the night seemed to be growing
the moon was starting to rise

at the supermarket, I held court with half a dozen random peeps for 15 minutes or so
in spanish
unusual for me but fun

went to the beach and

it’s not an emotional thing at all
and yet it is, because it’s a complete connection between mind and soul, logic and emotion
times like that there is such a depth of soul
such a strong “I KNOW”

and I know my Creator
and my Creator met me on that beach tonight

pure joy is not always the sound of laughter
sometimes it’s simply a smile and a body covered in never-ending goosebumps

there is a God
there is a Creator

there is also energy between people
between people and creation
between creation and the Creator

a cloud formation that huge, that perfectly displayed under the moon
the whale tail, it should be one of the 7 wonders of the world, perfectly extending from the beach, the site of breeding for whales and dolphins from BOTH the north and south hemisphere (different times of year)
look at a map of the Osa Peninsula, and it’s a perfectly defined animal’s head, even with an eye

the Creator puts messages in His creation
they are not accidents
there are no coincidences

when I’m in a foreign country with a friend and I meet a girl
and half a year later we end up becoming something
and during that half year she was a point of learning in my life, brought out by that friend
and when that girl’s phone number ends with my number and my friend’s number
that’s not a coincidence, it has to mean at least something

there are people who take the “mystical” way too far
videos on youtube of people reading letters they say the Dolphins spoke to them regarding the oil spill
give me a break
all is energy, yes, but it can’t be removed from logic

but there is energy in us, endowed by our Creator
there is energy in everything, truly
the more I seek to tap into the energy of my Creator
the more I listen and obey what I hear and believe is right
the more in tune I am with the world around me
the people around me
the ideas floating around in that ethereal space

which just happens to be between all of our ears

I’m connected to the same Creator who made this night
I can draw from the same ideas that He puts out into the universe
the same ideas and energy which others have drawn from – Einstein, Bono, Michael Jordan.

I can, and do
but those ideas in my possession are worthless
if I don’t believe in myself
if I don’t believe in the idea enough to throw it against every wall I can find
and see if it sticks
throw every idea against the wall
and see if any of them stick

there are no stolen ideas
there are only people who have failed to, for one reason or another, live up to their potential with the ideas they were capable of tapping into

life is the most incredibly beautiful and amazing journey
I am infinitely fascinated with learning
about myself
about others
about creation
about the Creator

the key, in truth, is balance
to be able to completely immerse oneself in the moment
and yet be able to analyze and enjoy it for the depth of meaning it possesses.