This was a popular – albeit polarizing – post on my myspace last year, so I thought I’d repost it…
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Don’t be the baby bull, be the Papa Bull!

It’s very simple – if you are a guy, society says you are obligated to
do something nice and romantic for your girlfriend / wife / mistress on
Valentine’s Day.

Ironic, isn’t it, since the day is named after a dude who got his head chopped off?

I am a recovering "nice guy", so I’m not totally innocent here, although mercifully I kicked the addiction.

And there’s nothing wrong with treating a girl well, with love and respect. Hell, it’s the only way you should treat women (who respect themselves).

BUT – here’s the thing. I’ll buy you flowers and shower you with kisses and balloons whenever I want to.

I might want to 364 days of the year. Or I might not.

But when I’m OBLIGATED
to? Ha ha. Keep dreaming, sweety. Oh, and hey, I think your single
girlfriends are going out tonight to look for some emotional bubblegum, you should join them – I’m going to do something productive.

If you’re a girl, and you actually feel special
when a guy does something COMPLETELY & ENTIRELY FROM OBLIGATION,
then you have serious self image problems.

Guys, don’t fall for
it! You don’t have to do anything on Valentines day! Give those flowers
and chocolates to a homeless guy on the street, he could actually use
the calories! (From the candy; I don’t imagine he’d eat the flowers, but you never know – I’ve been panhandled more than once for Petunia money.)

Plus – unless you’re innately a romantic guy (yes, there are lots of us out there, and we’re not all gay, thanks),
it’s not going to be good enough anyway. And even then, you’re still
probably just a big patsy, if you’re using your romance skills on Valentines day! C’mon. What’s wrong with November? March? The 4th of July?

So I suggest you be a REAL man, and treat your girlfriend / wife / mistress(es) with love and respect
every day of the year, then you won’t be OBLIGATED to show phony love
on this, the most pathetic of holidays.

Because women who are secure in love don’t need forced displays of fake affection. And the men who make them secure aren’t obligated to anything beyond what they already give.