
The view flying into Bocas del Toro

I turned into a little kid with my nose pressed against the window of el avion when we descended into Bocas. It's the first time since Norway I've felt like that, and the first time I've been like that on a plane in years.

Take a look at that picture! From the air, it's kind of synonymous to cloud watching, only in reverse – those shapes could be hieroglyphics, crawdads, or dancing aliens! Anything, really. But they're little jungle islands, some not even islands but simply patches of mangroves, living and breathing mini-ecosystems all their own.

I'm not at all a fan of Bocas town though, after being here for a few days. There's very intermittent water, the banks ran out of money, they've been partying (very sullenly, I might add – for a caribbean culture they don't seem very happy for some reason) for 5 days now until 3 or 4 am, it's dirty in a not-natural way due to an ongoing feud between the dump landowner and the town (meaning garbage is just piling up), and despite all of those things being expected and livable in a 3rd world country, the prices are totally touristy…which makes it unacceptable, in my not very humble opinion.


Get out to the other islands, and it's really incredible – unspoiled jungle, pristine beaches, turquoise seas.

I was thinking esta tarde, while trekking up and over one of the islands to a grreat beach, "all I need are foldable solar panels and satellite internet, and I'm golden…"

It's not that I don't need people – I've actually been pondering the necessity of social interaction and networking more than ever – but it's more that I don't need all the stuff that Americans so glorify.

I like me some technology. Aside from that, though, as long as I have food water and sunshine, I really don't need much else. A good view perhaps. Some enjoyable company maybe.

Really though I feel incredibly blessed. It'll probably take a couple weeks, maybe even a full month, but I think I will be rejuvenated in a new way that I have not been in a very long time. Which is good, considering I have plenty of projects on my plate.

What, you thought I was just chilling? heck no. I do have more time to do that, considering I have no distractions, no errands I can run, etc. But I'm still working. I still have a job, per se. It's just that I'm lucky enough to be able to do it from anywhere. Why not? My cadre is spread out all over the world, so why not me, too?

I think in about a week I'm going to be so energized and excited to attack everything with renewed vigor. Probably sooner, but I want to take it slow and really recharge my batteries. I would have liked to go on the Nepal trip, definitely – I just really felt strongly not to go, for several reasons, and that was confirmed by others.

For this time in my life I must say that I made the right decision, because THIS is what my brain and body were begging for.

Sunshine. ;-)