This was the best move I could have made. Seriously, what have I been thinking the past couple winters, shivering my butt off in miserable gloomy Puddletown, when I could have been, well, anywhere en todo del mundo?

I’ve hired people to work for me for years doing digital work (which is pretty much everything marketing / design / content related these days) from the far corners of the earth, and I’ve been doing the same thing, only from an awful location.

It’s not like anybody ever sees me anyway outside of mi familia, which was the only reason I stuck it out. Some people probably wonder if I really exist. People I communicate with on a weekly, if not daily, basis.

So actually, since I didn’t really tell anybody I was moving south for the winter, they probably have no idea anyway. No need to ruin it. And I know they’re never going to care or read this. Not like it would matter – I’m finding I’m actually more efficient, for a lot of reasons. So it’s better for everyone!

I’m glad my job with Face Level required me to spend the winter setting up nuevo actividades en Costa Rica. I’ll gladly work 6 days a week here, because I get more done in 4 hours on mi computadora in paradise than I did in 12 hours a day depressed in P-town.